13 Inspiring Short Stories to Read on Your Lunch Break

13 Inspiring Short Stories to Read on Your Lunch Break

Inspirational short stories are arguably the oldest and most enduring form of entertainment. Both young and old enjoy short inspirational stories worldwide as a tradition. We all enjoy watching or listening to an original story come to life. An age-old parable is one of the most popular formats.
Following are some of the most inspirational short stories you’ll ever read, and you can enjoy them all during your lunch break.

1. Nail On the Fence

As one of the most-read short stories around the globe, “Nail on the Fence” is about a father and his conceited son. In this tale, the father effectively teaches the value of controlling one’s anger. The narrative inspires you to change a personality trait, significantly affecting your social interactions and relationships. It is one of the most inspirational short stories to share with your peers and read during your lunch break. It will help you understand the destructive effects of anger.

2. The Value of Money

This is a wonderful tale about value in oneself. In this tale, a schoolteacher uses a dollar bill to teach students the value of their worth. This story teaches us that trials in life are unavoidable and that we will all experience them at some point, frequently through no fault of our own.
Work hard and have confidence in your abilities to succeed. Don’t diminish yourself because of temporary setbacks; instead, value yourself despite your shortcomings or obstacles.

3. Egg, Potato, and Coffee Beans

The short story “Potato, Egg & Coffee Beans” has a strong message and is very inspirational. This story talks about a chef, his wife, and their daughter. When the young child becomes depressed due to problems and challenges, her chef’s father sends her a rough massage. It doesn’t matter how big the problems are when adversity comes knocking; what matters is how you handle it.

4. Kentucky Fried Chicken

This true story of Colonel Harland Sanders, who endured numerous setbacks throughout his life but still managed to realize his dream in his later years, is incredibly uplifting. It teaches us that there is never a bad time to succeed in life. It’s simple to begin to believe you’ll never be successful after a certain age in a society that frequently celebrates young, successful people.
Colonel Sanders, however, serves as a counterexample.
This tale also shows the value of perseverance. For others to share your conviction about your work, you must first have faith in yourself.
Anyone who says “no” to you should be ignored.

5. Self-Appraisal

Self-Appraisal is the tale of a young boy and a grocery store proprietor (who also runs a telephone booth). The grocery store owner listens to the boy’s phone conversation with the person on the other end of the line. The young boy’s self-assurance in his abilities and abilities will inspire you to have faith in yourself.

6. The Story of the Grateful Starfishes

The theme of this tale is attitude. In this tale, a young boy repeatedly throws starfish into the water. It teaches us to adopt a new perspective on life. Your actions can make a difference, regardless of the likelihood of success or the task’s difficulty. Instead of hating the dark, it is better to light a candle. This tale focuses on the value of hopefulness, persistence, and positivity.

7. The Elephant and the Rope

The following story examines life from an elephant’s perspective. In this story, a man wonders why ropes bind strong elephants and why they cannot free themselves. His response teaches us that our personal beliefs are extremely powerful and frequently dictate our outcomes. They could be working for or against us. The elephants are suffering from learned helplessness in this circumstance. This phenomenon occurs when a person has been taught to expect discomfort in some way without knowing how to stop it.
After enough conditioning, the person will eventually stop looking for ways to escape the pain, even if they occasionally see one.
To challenge your limiting beliefs, identify what they are.

8. What a Waste

This story is about a mother camel and her baby. They were lying down, soaking up the sun, when the baby camel asked his mom about their features. Her mom explained to him that those features help them survive in the desert. To which the baby camel asks, what purpose do camels serve in the zoo if they have all of these unique abilities for walking across the desert?
This story is about self-reflection. It teaches us that our skills and abilities won’t be useful if we’re not in the right environment.

9. The Two Wolves

There are two wolves in this tale, one of the most popular short stories of all time. One of the wolves is good and the other wolf is bad. This inspirational tale demonstrates the existence of both good and evil within each of us. It’s up to us to accept that reality and take action to foster positivity.

10. Thinking Out of the Box

This is another motivational story about thinking outside of the horizon. In this story, a loan debtor and his daughter save themselves from the deceit of the loan shark by using their brain. This story demonstrates that it is always possible to get out of a tight spot by thinking creatively and refusing to accept the options that seem to be your only choices.

11. A Wise Man’s Jokes

In this tale, a wise man once encountered a group of people constantly complaining about the same things. One day, he told them a joke instead of listening to their complaints, which taught them a very important lesson. This story teaches us that complaining about the same issue while taking no action to address it will not get you anywhere.
Don’t waste time whining and hoping that others will continue to respond to your complaints. Instead, make a change by acting.

12. The Boulder and the Gold

This is the tale of the king who chose to experiment with a large boulder. In this tale, we discovered that The king imparted to the peasant in this tale the lesson that every challenge presents an opportunity for growth.
If you persevere through difficult situations, you might come out much better off than you did before you started trying.
This tale also teaches us about taking responsibility for our actions.

13. Breathing with No Air

This is a tale of a young boy and an elderly man. In this tale, the elderly man gives the youngster a secret to success. This tale shows us that success begins with the desire to accomplish a goal.
Your results will reflect your lack of motivation.
Consider what you want most in life, and work to achieve it. Don’t let the things you truly want be influenced by your surroundings or other people.
The fact that a fish passing by appears at ease submerged does not imply that you will be as well.


These are just a few of the many motivational short stories that inspire people to strive for success in all facets of life. These inspirational short stories can assist them in upholding moral principles despite life’s challenges. And if you don’t read much, these short stories are excellent for a quick introduction or to pass the time. Moreover, if you have a motivational story to tell yourself, then you can hire a Book Writer that can write it on your behalf.

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