5 Ways to Get Eligible for AdSense Approval

Google’s AdSense program has long been a boon to bloggers who want to monetize their sites, and it’s still available to anyone willing to meet Google’s eligibility requirements. Unfortunately, some bloggers are worried that they won’t be able to meet the ad quality standards in 2022, the next time they’ll be eligible for AdSense approval. This guide will show you 5 ways you can get eligible for AdSense approval by 2022. One of these strategies could help your ad quality improve before then!

1) Understand Google’s Guidelines

As you can see, Google has a variety of restrictions on what is and isn’t allowed as an ad. It’s worth noting that the company’s guidelines are constantly changing and evolving. Even if your site meets all these criteria today, it may not meet them tomorrow. To stay compliant, it’s important that you understand Google’s guidelines so that you can make any necessary changes before the start date of January 1st, 2022.

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2) Read Google’s Help Articles

Google has announced that it will change the eligibility criteria for Google AdSense by requiring publishers to have a certain number of sites and an established audience. The new guidelines are not yet live, but we can help you prepare them when they go live. Here are five ways you can become eligible: 1) Build your site’s authority. Sites with higher domain authority tend to rank higher on the SERP. One way of building this is by adding high-quality content. You can also leverage social media channels like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to build your following and influence.

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3) Seek Outside Advice

  • Optimize the content on your website with keywords, metadata, and SEO standards, so it’s optimized for search engines and ranks high.
  • Make sure your site is mobile-friendly (since Google will be rolling out its mobile-first index).
  • Check that your site has no malware or other violations that could cause problems when applying for approval (or if you’re already approved).
  • Keep an eye on what content you publish in the future since Google has said it will be cracking down on ads related to gambling, adult products, weapons, or hate speech starting this October 5th 6.
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4) Keep an Eye Out

  1. Make sure your content isn’t related to the following topics: drugs, gambling, pornography, violence, or hate speech.
  2. Make sure you’re not copying other people’s work. Copying is not always obvious, so if you need help deciding whether. Or not something counts as plagiarism, please contact us.
  3. You may be asked to show originality by removing duplicate content from your site. And giving credit when referencing someone else’s work

5) Build Something Awesome

At the end of 2020, you will need a minimum of 10,000 page views per month on your website to be eligible for Google AdSense approval. Here are five ways that you can increase your monthly page views:

  • Create more content by writing more blog posts, taking photos and videos, or developing new products.
  • Promote the content you already have by sharing it with your friends. And followers on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.


There are a few requirements that you will have to abide by if you want to have the chance of becoming eligible for AdSense approval. The first requirement is that your site must be at least 6 months old. Which means it must have been created before January 1st, 2020. You also need content on your site related to a specific topic or subject matter. The third requirement is that you can’t use AdSense on more than one site and at most one blog.
