Why you feel lonely in your marriage and how to deal it

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Marriage is a special bond and some might even say that marriage is a sacred bond between two humans.

It is a long-term relationship with or sometimes without physical proximity and where the love language can get a bit distorted over time. You might sometimes feel lonely in your marriage.

So, why do you feel lonely in your married relationship?

There are several causes for loneliness in marriage and sometimes it can be becoming overly dependent on your partner but not receiving the same gratification and respect. Sometimes it can be emotional detachment.

And sometimes it can even be the lack of effort in a relationship to keep the love and warmth alive like it was at the beginning of the relationship.

Whatever the reason may be, if are in such a situation, you must be wondering to yourself, what to do if you’re married but lonely? You might hesitate to tell this to someone and seek help.

Do not worry because in the blog we are going to find out together why you feel lonely in your marriage and we will also discuss if there is any solution to this problem that is consuming relationships all over.



We have decided to keep this point in the beginning simply because this is one of the most common reasons why people might feel lonely in their relationships and marriage.

It is to do with work and work schedules. Marriage is something that needs to be watered with love and closeness in order for it to grow. It needs daily nurturing.

But there are times when this closeness and this working and living together can take a hit simply because of jobs.

You can have a job in a different part of the country than your partner and this is quite common in today’s day and age.

The sad thing is that this makes people feel lonely and alone and have no one to love and especially if they are married and unable to see their partner for months and maybe years.

The only solution to this is compromise, sometimes compromise is the one true solution that is the answer to this problem.

While compromise might seem like a pretty big deal but you must understand your priorities and if your priority is to maintain your relationship then you have to stay close to your partner.

Sometimes that might mean scarifying job opportunities but you will do this sacrificing to maintain the most important relationship in your life.


Sometimes you might feel like you are alone and lonely in your marriage simply because the marriage does not resemble a healthy relationship.

A healthy relationship is a relationship that is not abusive and a healthy relationship is when your partner does not abuse you physically or mentally.

A healthy relationship is when your partner does not blackmail you into doing things and a healthy relationship is when you can have your say in matters.

A toxic relationship is when your partner not only abuses you physically and mentally but they try to hide things from you and you have no say in the matter.

It is when you are afraid of your partner because of the problems that they can create if you do not listen to them and you feel like you are in a cage.

This is exactly one of those moments where you might feel very lonely and you might also feel that you have nothing left in your life.

The only solution to this is to get out of the toxic relationship. There is no point in trying to save a relationship with someone who abuses you.

There is no point in trying to save something that is corrupted.


Depression is normal and anybody can have depression and it is also totally normal to go through periods of depression.

This can happen due to multiple reasons and one of the reasons may be work-related and stress-related and not finding enough success in your career.

It might also be related to other problems but the main point is that this is quite common and yet this can give rise to a problem.

When you are in such a situation that is depressing and sad, the one and true thing that you really need is the support of your partner.

Not just financial support and not just physical support but mental support and emotional support, you need someone to tell you that they are behind you.

That they care for you and that they will help you get out of this problem that you are in.

However, sometimes your partner might not understand your situation and this can give rise to the feeling that you are alone in this trouble and that you have no emotional support.

This does not mean that your partner does not care for you but simply means that they might also have something to worry about themselves or they might not understand your problem.

The solution to this is communication because you will need to communicate to your partner and your true love that you are going through a difficult point in your life.

If your partner really cares about you then they are going to help you get out of this problem.

These were a few of the most common reasons why you might feel lonely in your marriage and there can be other reasons such as lack of physical intimacy and lack of common time together.

The only solution to all these problems is to simply communicate with your partner because communication will not only help you solve misunderstandings but will help you convey your problems.

You should not hide your problems from your partner, Go for a date & spend some quality time.

And if you are someone who is adventurous and passionate and simply needs a break from this relationship or even if you are someone who stays away from your partner and misses quality time, then we are here for you.

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