Anmol Kwatra Age, Height, Lifestyle, NGO, Family & Net worth

anmol kwatraanmol kwatra

anmol kwatra

Anmol Kwatra Biography

Anmol Kwatra is the big name in today’s era. Today everybody want to know about Anmol
Kwatra. Before starting over information we want to tell you that Anmol Kwatra is very young
and also good motivator for today’s generation. People love to search about Anmol Kwatra’s
lifestyle and also about his business and family background. To keep this thing in mind we have
to update information for you related to Anmol Kwatra.

Today we will give you full information related to Anmol Kwatra’s biography, that who is Anmol
Kwatra’s and also information related to Anmol Kwatra’s family business. First we want to tell
you that this Social activist’s full name is Anmol Kwatra and his date of birth and birthplace is
Ludhiana Punjab. Anmol Kwatra borned on 16 may 1996. In 2023 Anmol Kwatra age is 27
years. He is famous as a Social activist, Model and also a good businessman.

anmol kwatra biographyanmol kwatra biography
anmol kwatra biography
Personal informations
Full NameAnmol Kwatra
Age27 Years
Birth PlaceLudhiana, Punjab
ProfessionSocial Activist, Model, Businessman
Physical Stats
Height5 Feet 9 Inch
Weight75 Kg
Eye colorBlack
Hair ColorBlack
Father NameRaj Kumar Kwatra
Mother NameNot Known
Sister NameAlka Kwatra
GirlFriendNot Known
SchoolGreenLand Public School
CollagePunjab Technical University
Favourtite things
Favorite ActorShah Rukh Khan
Favorite ActressAlia Bhatt
FoodSpring Roll And Pizza
Singer Neha kakkar
Social Media
Anmol Kwatra YoutubeAnmol kwatra
Anmol Kwatra Instagramanmolkwatra96
Anmol Kwatra TwitterAnmol kwatra
Anmol Kwatra FacebookAnmol kwatra
Anmol Kwatra LinkedinAnmol kwatra
Net Worth
Monthly Income4 Lakh Per Month
Net Worth20 Crore
Phone Number7889168849

Anmol Kwatra’s Qualification

Anmol Kwatra is also famous for his creative ideas and thinking. If we talk about his education
then Anmol Kwatra did BBA from Punjab Technical University. He did his schooling from
Greenland Public School. Anmol Kwatra has good knowledge in Social activist, Model and
Businessman field. Apart from his business line he also work as a motivator for young
generation and many youth are following Anmol Kwatra. With this information we also want to
tell you about Anmol Kwatra’s father business.

Also Read – Rudri Pancholi

who is anmol kwatra

Anmol Kwatra’s Family

Anmol Kwatra’s father is a member in LIP. Anmol Kwatra’s father name is Raj Kumar Kwatra
and his mother’s name is not mentioned. But we will update soon about his mother’s
information. If Talk about his mother’s profession then she is a housewife. If we talk about his
sister’s name then her name is Alka Kwatra. If we talk about marital status then Anmol Kwatra is
still unmarried. If Talk about his girlfriend then no information is there related to his girlfriend.
Now we want to tell you some personal information regarding Anmol Kwatra.

anmol kwatra ngo

Anmol Kwatra’s Nationality

We want to tell you that Anmol Kwatra is Indian by nationality. If we talk about zodiac sign then
Anmol Kwatra’s zodiac sign is Taurus. If we Talk about food then Anmol Kwatra love to eat only
vegetarian food. With this information Anmol Kwatra do not have any bad habit like smoking and
drinking. Now we want to tell you about his interest and favourite hobbies. Now we would like to
tell you about Anmol Kwatra’s biography. To know more information about anmol kwatra
biography. Please read this information till end.

Also Read – Pranjal Kamra

anmol kwatra contact number

Anmol Kwatra Hobbies

If we talk about hobbies then Anmol Kwatra’s hobbies are Swimming, Blogging & Travelling. If
we Talk about his Bollywood choice then he love Shahrukh Khan as a best actor and he love
Alia Bhatt as a best actress. If talk about game then Anmol Kwatra love to watch cricket, and his
favourite player is Yuvraj Singh. His favourite colour is blue and his favourite destination is
Shimla. Now we want to tell you about Anmol Kwatra income and his net worth. We will also tell
you about Anmol kwatra ludhiana contact number.

Anmol Kwatra Net worth

If we talk about Anmol Kwatra net worth then his net worth is 20 crore. And if we talk about
Anmol Kwatra income then his income is ₹2 lakh per month. If we Talk about his Ludhiana
address then his full address is New Kitchlu Nagar, Near DMC hospital, Ludhiana. Again if we
talk about Anmol Kwatra’s Ludhiana contact number then his contact number is 7889168849. In
today Anmol Kwatra is also famous on social media platform. His Instagram followers are 1.5
million, Facebook followers are 2 million, YouTube followers are 400K and Twitter followers are
3K. Now it’s time to tell you about Anmol Kwatra’s father business.

anmol kwatra net worth

Anmol Kwatra’s Father Business

If we talk about Anmol Kwatra’s father business then his father has cloth factory in Ludhiana.
Apart from this business his father is also busy in politics line. His father gave him good
opportunity to handle his father’s business. Now we want to tell you about Anmol Kwatra’s NGO.
Yes you are right this family is also running a NGO for the betterment of society. We want to tell
you that this is a very good thinking. This family do not run NGO to earn money. Anmol kwatra
and his family started this business 6 to 7 years ago.

anmol kwatra father business

Anmol Kwatra’s Body Language

With good business and social media circle Anmol Kwatra also has a good personality. His
weight is almost 75 kg and height is In centimeters- 180 cm In Feet & Inches-5 ‘9 “ In Meters1.80 m. We want to tell you that 75 kg weight is good according to his height. If we talk about his
eye colour then his eye colour is black. His hair colour is also black. If we talk about his body
size then his body size is 40-32-13. Anmol kwatra is totally vegetarian and his favourite food is
Spring Roll & Pizza. But in house he keep his body fit with light food, and with some fruits. He
also love to drink fruit juice in morning breakfast. We Hope you liked this important information
related to Anmol Kwatra’s.

anmol kwatra age

Anmol Kwatra’s Car collection

We also want to tell you that with good business and good personality, Anmol Kwatra is also
crazy in automobile sector. If we talk about four wheelers then we can see luxury cars like
BMW, Jaguar, Audi, Lamborghini and other luxury cars in Anmol Kwatra’s garage. Anmol
Kwatra is not just like a personality only but he is also a good motivator and he earned more
than 20 crore in the age of 27 years only. Today Anmol Kwatra is not only the name but also a
big brand in today’s era.

Anmol Kwatra is not only famous in Ludhiana Punjab but also famous all over the India. That’s
why he have so many followers on social media platform. People love to update with Anmol
Kwatra and want to know about his personal life


Q – Anmol Kwatra contact number ?

A – Anmol Kwatra contact number is 7889168849

Q – What is Anmol kwatra age ?

A – Anmol kwatra age is 27

Q – What is Anmol kwatra height?

A – Anmol kwatra height is 5ft 9inch

Q – Who is Anmol kwatra wife?

A – Anmol kwatra in unmarried

Q – Anmol kwatra NGO name?

A – Anmol kwatra NGO name is EkZaria visite website –

Q – Anmol kwatra Net worth?

A – Anmol kwatra net worth is 20 Crore

Q – Anmol kwatra Income?

A – Anmol kwatra Income is 4 Lakhs


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