Best Yoga Postures to Ease Arthritis Pain and Its Symptoms

Best Yoga Postures to Ease Arthritis Pain and Its Symptoms

As per experts of Jindal Naturecure, some people often neglect the initial symptoms of arthritis. The reason is pretty obvious as they think that it is nothing but a regular joint ache or knee pain. However, if you check closely, you will realize that the symptoms are a little bit different. For instance, swollen joints are one of the signs that your pain is not normal but it is due to arthritis. But you do not have to feel worried about the solution as so many options are there. It includes naturopathic, medicine-based, and so on.

Among all, yoga is yet another option that can make your condition a bit better. To know the best yoga postures for relief, keep on reading this post:

Best yoga postures for relief

Warrior Pose

As per leading yoga instructors of Jindal Naturecure, this is one of the poses that can help you get relief. To perform this pose, you will need to do the following:

  • Stand straight with a distance of 4-5 feet apart.
  • The right foot should be at the 90-degree angle and the left foot must be at 45-degree.
  • Keep your hands at the level of the shoulder but parallel to the floor.
  • Now, bend the right knee and look towards the right.
  • Keep your right thigh parallel to the floor and your hips square.
  • Hold this pose for at least 10-20 seconds and then release.

Tree Pose

This is a great option to make your legs and back strength and balance better. Here are the steps that you will need to follow for this posture:

  • Stand straight and keep the right foot on the left thigh.
  • While doing this, make sure that the foot’s sole s flat and firmly placed.
  • To maintain the right balance, keep the left leg straight.
  • Inhale and start raising your arms over the head and place the palms together.
  • Keeping the spine straight is a must while doing this pose.
  • Now, exhale gradually and bring your hands down.
  • Release the right leg and come in the normal standing position.
  • Repeat the same with the left leg.

Triangle Pose

This is the best pose that can stretch the torso and legs, mobilize your hips, and promote deep breathing. Before we talk about the steps, you can always take the help of a professional yoga instructor such as an experienced team of Jindal Naturopathy for better support and assistance. Now, look at the following to know how this pose can be performed:

  • Stand straight with feet at a distance.
  • Stretch one leg (right one preferably) out at 90 degrees and the other leg close to your torso.
  • Keep the feet pushed towards the floor while maintaining the body weight equally on both feet.
  • Start inhaling and exhaling as soon as you bend the right arm and touch the floor. While doing so, your left arm will go up.
  • During this pose, your waist should be as straight as possible. One more thing, the body should be bent sideways not backward or forward.
  • Repeat the same for another side.

Final thoughts

Yoga is one of the most celebrated methods to ensure overall well-being. When it comes to arthritis, you can avail of various benefits through it when performed correctly. Therefore, you need to connect with a good yoga instructor i.e. experts of Jindal Naturecure for the right guidance.
