Book Advertising – Creative Ideas for Reaching Your Audience

Book Advertising - Creative Ideas for Reaching Your Audience

It can be difficult to reach your target audience, especially if you’re book advertising as a new author. But the good thing is that there are many ways to get the word out about your book and attract potential readers.

Throw a book launch party

In the days leading up to your book advertising, make sure you have some kind of plan for the big day. Consider having a launch party where you can share your book with friends and family. If you don’t have an official launch date, consider making it your birthday or another special day.

This can be a simple page with information about the book, where to buy it online, and links to other places where you do book advertising (Amazon, Goodreads, etc.). Include a photo of the book cover, a short description, and links to any media coverage you’ve received.

Also, get creative with your launch party. Whether it’s reading at a local bookstore, coffee shop, or a high-energy party at home, throw yourself a party. Bookstores often host author readings as part of their events schedule; if not, ask if you can have one on their behalf as part of your book advertising campaign. Use social media to promote the event and invite friends who might want to come out and support you.

Send an email to everyone you know

If you have an email list of people who want to hear from you, this is a great way to let them know about your book. Make sure your subject line is compelling and that the body of the email gives a brief overview of what your book is about and how it can help them. Include a link to buy the book online or at a local bookstore.

Make a video trailer for your book (and post it to YouTube)

Many authors are creating video trailers for their books because they’re a great way to share something exciting about your book with potential readers; and since YouTube is the second most-visited site on the web, that’s a lot of people! If you have any special talents or skills (such as playing music or acting), you can also use those skills in your video trailer.

Build a community of readers on Facebook

Facebook is a great place to build an audience for your book. You can create a page and add information about your book, including reviews, excerpts, and interviews with other authors. This is an excellent way to start building buzz before the release of your book.

Knowing your audience and how they like to communicate is important before you start book advertising your book. Are they on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram? Do they prefer email newsletters or blog posts?

You can create a community of readers on Facebook by hosting an event, creating a group, or inviting them to join your fan page. You can also run ads targeted at people who like similar authors’ pages.


If you’re not already blogging regularly, guest blogging might be a good option for getting started with this book advertising method. Guest blogging allows you to write articles for other sites in exchange for a link back to your site (and hopefully some traffic). You can find these opportunities by searching Google for “write for us” forms and contacting sites that sound interesting – many will let you write about whatever topic interests you!

Hosting contests on your website

This is an easy way to engage with current fans and get them excited about your new book. You can offer prizes like signed copies or swag like T-shirts and hats. If possible, partner with another company that sells books or offers writing services so you can cross-promote each other’s products or services.

Hitting the streets

Set up a booth at a local event where people will be interested in your book; such as a craft fair or farmer’s market; and talk to people one-on-one about what you’ve written and why they should buy it. Bring some giveaways (like pens or keychains) that can help spread awareness of your work beyond just selling books.

Writing essays, articles, and guest blog posts

Writing essays, articles, and guest blog posts is one of the best ways to book advertising. You can write about anything from how to get published, to writing tips and advice, to specific aspects of your novel or non-fiction work. If you like to write fiction or non-fiction and have already self-published a book, this is a great way to promote both books simultaneously.

Guest appearances on radio and television shows and podcasts

Guest appearances on radio, television shows, and podcasts can be great ways to reach new audiences who may not know about you or haven’t read your work yet. It’s also a great way to share your knowledge and expertise with others in the industry and potential readers interested in reading more about your field. If you want to hire a professional book writing services company to look all the matters from writing to publishing and advertisement.

Book readings and signings at local bookstores and libraries

One of the most direct ways to get your book in front of potential readers is to do a book reading and signing. Bookstores and libraries are always looking for new authors to bring in, so this can be a great way to get your name out there. Plus, you might have some new fans who want to buy your book!

The first step is to find out if your local library or bookstore has any open events coming up. If so, call them or visit their website to see if they have an event calendar or other information about upcoming events. You might even want to send them a copy of your book or a flyer promoting it so they can put it on display or include it in their newsletter.

If there aren’t any events coming up soon enough for your needs, you can contact them directly and ask if they would like copies of your book for future use (and possibly for display). They may also be willing to book advertising your event in their newsletter or on their website!


The important point here is that the expenses incurred during book writing publishing are not limited to the printing costs alone. Suppose cost is a limiting factor when self-publishing your book; you can buy your printing services online. The Web provides several options for self-publishing that can greatly reduce your costs and make publishing a book just a matter of sending it out there.
