Ensuring User Training and Adoption after Salesforce Implementation

Ensuring User Training and Adoption after Salesforce Implementation

Whether you are thinking of getting a completely new Salesforce implementation or just want to upgrade or customize your Salesforce solution in both aspects, you would need to ensure that the user adoption for the solution is top-notch. To make a Salesforce solution successful, you need to be sure that you have an effective strategy for user adoption in place that could help your team leverage the solution just the way it should be. 

You might want to implement Salesforce with the idea of improving the performance of your internal team or transforming customer delivery and experience. But that would only be possible if the potential end users could use the system efficiently. It could be difficult for organizations to achieve user adoption. That’s why they hire Salesforce implementation services that will not only implement the solution but also set up training and provide documentation that could help with user adoption. 

In this blog, we’ll be discussing how to ensure user training and adoption to make your Salesforce implementation a successful one. 

Ways to Ensure User Adoption after Salesforce Implementation

To make sure your Salesforce implementation is successful, you can follow some of these points to ensure effective user adoption. 

1. Set goals for user training

Before you set up a strategy for user training, make sure to identify the basic goals that you want to achieve with user adoption. The goal could be anything like enhancing Salesforce usage over legacy systems or improving user productivity

Here the need is to work on a Salesforce project roadmap to set the benchmarks for user training through which you’ll be able to ensure Salesforce is used successfully. Here you might have to plan on key metrics that will decide if you are achieving your goals in user training. 

2. Focus on core functionalities

To make sure user adoption is going the right way, emphasize illustrating the core functionalities first that could help in simplifying the work of end users and enhance their productivity. 

You can discuss the core functionalities and how using them can bring the desired change in efficiency and in the business. You need to start with such core functionalities that will get the potential users excited about using Salesforce and start getting them inclined toward the new solution. This will ultimately help to make end users more excited about learning and using Salesforce. 

3. Select a suitable training mode

It can be a possibility that potential users might be reluctant to take part in the user training phase. That’s because they might not be aware of the importance of the training mode and might not be suitable for it. Once you are done explaining core functionalities, try to survey end users regarding the training mode they will prefer. This will enable you to pick the right training mode in which the users might show interest. You can choose the training mode according to the availability of end users, which could be documentation or training sessions. 

4. Track the user adoption

Providing the necessary training through different modes is not enough. You also need to track if that training has helped the potential users with Salesforce adoption. Many companies prefer conducting a survey to evaluate how much Salesforce usage has increased after the training and where the users might need more help. This will help the team to evaluate the weak points in user adoption so necessary focus can be given to fill those gaps. 

Ensure Successful User Adoption with Salesforce Experts

Even if you gave a lot of attention while Salesforce implementation and invested a lot in it, you need to make sure to work on user adoption to make sure your Salesforce implementation is bringing the results you expected. With the ways mentioned above, you can get started on the right path of user adoption and get your teams to adopt the Salesforce solution to improve efficiency and productivity. 

Whether it is Salesforce communities implementation or you’re implementing Salesforce clouds like Marketing Cloud or Service Cloud, you need to make sure you have the right team that could help with implementation and user adoption. 
