Everything You Need To Know About beginners – Circuit Training

Everything You Need To Know About beginners - Circuit TrainingEverything You Need To Know About beginners - Circuit Training

Everything You Need To Know About beginners - Circuit Training

Most people like to take workout these days to maintain suitable body shapes. Some people do workouts to maintain their weight or lose excess weight. At the same time, others take activities to build muscle mass and strength. The exercises they take for each of these purposes will be pretty different. It is because you just have to do a small number of workouts to maintain reasonable body weight, but building muscles requires complex workout plans and lifting more weights.

Circuit training is a complex workout plan that helps you build lean muscles and burn extra fat more quickly. It is a high-intensity fast workout plan to get quick results. If you are looking forward to starting this workout plan, beginners’ circuit training will be the best choice. Here you can find some related information regarding this intense workout plan.

What is Beginners circuit training?

Circuit training is an intense workout plan involving doing a certain number of exercises with only short intervals. It is an exercise plan involving endurance training, high-intensity aerobics training, and many other activities performed in a circuit. As the name suggests, circuit training is a combination of six or more exercises that are performed with short rest periods. A set of 6 or more activities and their repetition is called one circuit, and complete training can involve two or more circuits. Circuit training is mainly done to improve your strength and muscular endurance. But is it also a good choice for weight loss plans? Usually, circuit training for weight loss lasts 15 to 20 minutes.

As mentioned above, circuit training is a complicated workout plan. It will challenge your entire body with many lower and upper body exercises. The standard high-intensity workouts for this training consist of the ball or weighted squats, jumping rope, lunges, pushups, squat kicks, sit-ups, chin-ups, etc. Performing these exercises with the highest intensity will not be a good choice if you are a beginner. Beginners’ circuit training is a circuit challenge suitable for beginners, as it will not be that hard. It will act as the first step in doing circuit training.

Circuit training workout for beginners

The workout plans for circuit training are usually based on your aim and vary with certain conditions. To build muscle mass, you must follow a particular workout plan (usual workouts by taking more weights). At the same time, circuit training for weight loss will contain more cardio exercises.
Circuit training for beginners

● Warm-up

Take a warm-up of 5 minutes with some simple activities (light cardio) like jogging and complete body stretching via knee lifts, shoulder lifts, knee bends, etc.

● The Circuit

In this circuit, you will be performing full-body workouts.
o Ball squats for 30 to 60 seconds
Ball squats is an exercise that targets the lower body, mainly the glutes, quads, calves, and hamstrings. Weighted squats are another option if you plan to increase the workout’s intensity.
1. You can place the exercise ball behind your back against the wall.
2. Walk your feet so you can lean on the ball against the wall.
3. Bend your knees to a 90-degree angle and press your heels to stand up.
4. Now repeat the exercise.

o Jumping rope for 30 seconds to 1 minute
Jumping rope is a more regular cardio exercise for everyone, and it will provide the effect of running by burning more calories. If you are new to jumping ropes, you can start by doing a minimum of around 10 jumps in a row. You can join any online fitness class to achieve your fitness goals.
1. Jump with both feet together for only an inch from the floor and land on the balls of your feet.

o Lunges for 60 seconds
Lunges are an excellent workout for your legs, targeting the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core. You can hold weights during these exercises to increase their intensity.
1. Stand in a split stance with one leg around 3 feet in front of the other.
2. Turn to one side (right or left), and lower your body by bending the front knee until it forms a 90-degree angle.
3. Press into the front heel and rise back to the stance.
4. Do it for 30 seconds with the right or left leg on the front and another 30 seconds with the other leg on the show.

o Jog in place with high knees for 30 to 60 seconds
Jogging in place is a simple beginners’ circuit training exercise where you have to do simple jogging steps by standing in one location without moving. You can add other movements to this exercise, like circling your arms. High knees is another type of jogging in-place exercise where you will have to raise your knees to the hip level.
1. Switch both exercises – jog in place and high knees every 15 seconds.
2. Repeat the workout for around 30 to 60 seconds.

o Pushups for 60 seconds
The pushup is a common bodyweight exercise, which targets the upper body, mainly the chest, back, arms, and abdominals.
1. Get into the pushup position with your knees on your toes and place your hand wider than your shoulders.
2. Make your body straight by flattening your back and bracing your abs.
3. Lower your body by bending your elbows into a pushup until your chest is almost near the floor, and then push your body up.
4. Repeat this exercise for 30 seconds, rest, and do it for another 30 seconds.

o Squats with a front kick for one to three minutes
It is a combination of regular squat exercises with a front kick. While taking each squat, you can do the front kicking by switching the legs.

o Plank for a few seconds
Plank is a good exercise where you must maintain the plank position. It engages your abs and glutes and strengthens your arms.

Some of the other exercises involved in circuit training are the following.

● Triceps dips
● Glute bridges
● Shoulder presses
● Jumping jacks
● Bicep curls
● Sit-ups


Are you planning on starting an intense workout plan for weight loss? The beginner’s circuit training would be a good choice as it involves intense exercises that will burn more calories quickly. A sample circuit training for beginners is provided here in detail, but it is not all. There are various combinations of exercises in circuit training, even for beginner levels. So, you can choose the best

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