Everything You Need To Know About Pitambari Neelam

Everything You Need To Know About Pitambari Neelam


Pitambari Neelam is a semi-precious gemstone mined from the earth’s crust. It is found in various colors ranging from blue to green, orange, and pinkish red. Pitambari Neelam stone has been used for centuries by many cultures for its healing properties. It is believed to bring protection, wealth, health, and spiritual fulfillment. Pitambari Neelam is also known as the “stone of prosperity” because it attracts positive energy and draws success in all areas of life. It has been used traditionally for healing purposes such as relieving stress, calming anxiety, and reducing negative thoughts. This stone is also thought to encourage creativity, communication, and clarity of thought.

Astrological Benefits of Wearing a Pitambari Neelam Gemstone

1. Strengthens Self-Confidence: Pitambari Neelam is believed to help boost self-confidence, increase self-esteem and promote positive thinking. It encourages the wearer to be more confident in their thoughts and decisions.
2. Enhances Mental Clarity: Wearing this gemstone can improve mental clarity, focus, and concentration levels, allowing for better decision-making abilities.
3. Promotes Peace & Harmony: The stone is said to bring peace of mind, reduce tension and create a peaceful atmosphere in the home or workplace.
4. Relieves Stress & Anxiety: The healing properties of Pitambari Neelam can help calm anxiety levels and relieve stress caused by daily life events.
5. Aids in Spiritual Growth: This gemstone can help promote spiritual awareness, intuition, and inner strength. It is believed to open the third eye and enhance spiritual connection.
6. Enhances Physical Strength: Pitambari Neelam can strengthen the physical body by increasing energy levels and improving overall health.
7. Attracts Wealth & Abundance: The crystal stone is known as “the stone of prosperity” because it attracts wealth, abundance, and success in all areas of life.
8. Stimulates Creativity & Passion: The powerful vibrations of this stone are said to stimulate creativity and ignite passion in the wearer, encouraging them to pursue their dreams with enthusiasm.
9. Helps to Maintain Balance: Pitambari Neelam helps to maintain a balance between physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms. It is said to provide clarity in thought and bring harmony into one’s life.
10. Fosters Positive Relationships: The gemstone is believed to foster positive relationships by promoting understanding and communication between individuals. It can also help develop trust and strengthen bonds with family, friends, and loved ones.

Therefore, wearing a Pitambari Neelam gemstone can benefit those seeking inner peace, spiritual insight, or increased energy levels. Wearing this stone may improve overall well-being by bringing positivity into your life and attracting wealth, health and success.

Note: It is important to consult a qualified astrologer before wearing any stone to ensure it is the most suitable. The energies of each individual are unique, and crystals may affect people differently, so it is important to understand how the crystal works with your energy before using it. Also, always cleanse your stones regularly and ensure they are kept in a safe place, away from negative energies. With proper care and use, Pitambari Neelam can be an excellent tool for manifesting positive changes in one’s life.

The magical Stone: Pitambari Neelam

Pitambari Neelam is a magical gemstone used for centuries for its healing powers, spiritual insight, and abundance benefits. Also known as the “stone of prosperity,” this powerful crystal can attract positive energy and bring success to all areas of life. It is believed to increase self-confidence, strengthen mental clarity, relieve stress and anxiety, foster positive relationships, and promote overall well-being. Wearing a Pitambari Neelam stone can be an excellent tool for manifesting desired changes in one’s life. Proper use and care can help bring harmony and balance into your life while providing spiritual fulfillment.

Pitambari Neelam is a powerful gemstone used for centuries in Ayurvedic practices to bring health, wealth, and spiritual fulfillment. It is known as the “Stone of Prosperity” because it attracts positive energy, draws success into all areas of life, and opens pathways for divine abundance. The crystal’s healing properties are purported to assist with mental clarity, emotional stability, and physical strength while protecting against negative influences. Pitambari Neelam can be an excellent tool for manifesting positive changes in one’s life when used correctly and properly.

Care and Cleaning of Pitambari Neelam

Taking care of and cleaning your Pitambari Neelam gemstone is essential for its effectiveness. It should be cleansed with saltwater or holy water to remove negative energy and reset its energies. Cleansing can also be done with sage smoke, incense, sunlight, or moonlight. After cleansing, the stone should be charged in a crystal grid near a window that receives natural light or placed in a bowl of tumbled stones. Recharging should be done regularly so that it maintains its potency. Additionally, it is recommended to keep your Pitambari Neelam away from sources of pollution and electromagnetic fields, including computers and cell phones, as this can disrupt their energies and weaken their protective effects. With proper care and use, Pitambari Neelam can be a powerful ally in helping you achieve your goals and desires.


Pitambari Neelam is an incredibly powerful gemstone used by yogis, shamans, and healers throughout the ages to attract health, wealth, and spiritual fulfillment. It stimulates creativity and ignites passion while encouraging positive relationships and maintaining a balance between physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms. With proper care and use, Pitambari Neelam can be an excellent tool for manifesting positive changes in one’s life.

Pitambari Neelam is a powerful gemstone used throughout the ages to bring wealth, health, and spiritual fulfillment. It is believed to stimulate creativity, ignite passions and attract positive energy while encouraging healthy relationships. This crystal can protect against negative influences and help improve overall well-being. Wearing Pitambari Neelam should be done with caution as it may affect people differently, and it is important to consult a qualified astrologer before wearing any stone. Cleansing and recharging the stone regularly are essential for its effectiveness, and proper care must be taken when storing the crystal away from sources of pollution or electromagnetic fields. With correct use and care, Pitambari Neelam can be an excellent tool for manifesting positive changes in one’s life.

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