How Can A Psychologist Help Us Handle Anxiety?

When we look around, to people we know, we can see that everyone is dealing with something mentally. Everyone is sad and depressed and is worried about something. Every person is going through something that is challenging them mentally and not letting them make peace with their own thoughts. But some people actually suffer from some disorders and they can be serious with time. 

Now there are psychologists everywhere, you can find a psychologist in Multan and in any other city of Pakistan.

Sometimes psychiatrists recommend medications for anxiety and these medications have been very helpful for some people. It helps them calm their nerves and make them more relaxed mentally. But not everyone needs medicine as it is not the long-term solution. People have to overcome these issues on their own with their will power. And a therapist helps them in coping up with these issues and fight against it.

Recognizing Anxiety

People have a very little understanding regarding anxiety and its disorders. People think anxiety is an occasional feel of panicking and it just goes away. What people don’t understand is that anxiety is constant. It is a constant feeling of fear, the fear of the unknown, the fear of what happens next. One just cannot control this feeling. This becomes a hurdle in daily routine tasks and socializing. There are different types of Anxiety disorders, let’s discuss them one by one.

Generalized Anxiety

All the best hospitals in Pakistan say that Persistent worry or worried feelings are characteristics of generalized anxiety disorder. There are some symptoms and signs for general anxiety disorder, for example shivering without feeling cold, strain in muscles, pressure on shoulders, headache. Many people feel this in their stomach as well. Anxiety can actually affect our metabolism, people with severe anxiety experience disturbed bowel movements.

Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is like a little attack, a person feels severe shivering, sweating and increased heart rate. People feel loss of breath and confusing thoughts. These assaults frequently come on quickly and without notice. People who suffer from panic attacks frequently develop a worry of when the next attack will happen, which may lead them to alter or limit their regular activities.

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety disorder can also be said as social phobia. People with this illness are afraid of being in social situations where they can feel judged or embarrassed. They frequently experience anxiety while in social situations, are embarrassed in front of others, and worry about offending or being rejected by others. Other common symptoms include difficulty establishing friends, avoiding social situations, fretting days in advance of a social occasion, and experiencing trembling, sweating, or nausea when in a social environment.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

All the best hospitals in Pakistan describe that the obsessions (persistent, uncontrollable feelings and thoughts) and rituals or routines are characteristics of obsessive-compulsive disorder (compulsions). Common instances are frequently scrutinizing work for faults or compulsively washing hands out of a fear of germs.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

A significant physical or emotional trauma, such as that caused by a crime, serious accident, or natural disaster, can lead to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). People suffering from PTSD experience nightmares related to the past or that specific event. They get flashbacks of the traumatic event randomly or whenever they see anything related to that event. This results in sleep loss and lack of focus. Person can’t just get out of his thoughts to experience the present things, he gets stuck in the past.

Consultation with a psychologist for anxiety problems

Although there are numerous varieties of anxiety disorders, research indicates that the most are governed by comparable underlying mechanisms. People who struggle with anxiety disorders frequently experience emotional overload and react negatively to unpleasant feelings and circumstances.

People frequently try to deal with these adverse reactions by avoiding things that make them nervous. But just ignoring and avoiding the situation is never the solution. You have to pay attention in order to fix the problem.

Psychologists are skilled in identifying patients’ anxiety disorders and recommending healthier, more productive coping mechanisms. Through CBT, psychologists assist patients in recognising and controlling the causes of their anxiety.

Patients start to understand the symptoms and effects of anxiety through this therapy and get to know how to deal with them .They can lessen the likelihood and severity of anxiety symptoms 

The psychologist helps and encourages the patients to experience the events that provoke their anxiety. They do it on purpose so that patients can get control over them. It is a hard thing to face but only facing the problem can help the patient. 

What to expect during psychotherapy for anxiety disorders

Consulting a psychologist is a kind of collaborative work. You can consult any psychologist in any best hospital in Pakistan, the psychologist helps you in coping with your issues but if you don’t cooperate then the results will be zero. The psychologist will tell you the methods and give you the therapies but it’s you who have to follow them and coordinate with them.

Sometimes psychologists read the situation and know that the condition requires talk therapy. That they can handle the person just by talking to them. And psychologists provide them with understanding and recognition.

Although sometimes psychologists have to do some practice with the people. but a psychologist would never put someone in any kind of uncomfortable situation. They make people comfortable with them first that the person completely trusts them. Then they tell them to practice some habits to make them relaxed.

Disorders and mental illnesses are treatable and curable. But only when you take them seriously and are willing to cope up with them. As mentioned before, ignoring the problem is never the solution. And sometimes you get lost and you don’t know what to do. In this situation a psychologist shows you the way. And help you get through it. They know exactly what each person needs and they come up with the solutions accordingly.   

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