How To Get Yoga International Certification in India?

How To Get Yoga International Certification in India?

Yoga opens the route to reveal the inner light, it helps us travel inward so we can establish a beautiful harmony between our body and mind. It is a great way to stay mentally and emotionally positive while staying physically fit. But there is much more to yoga than that and for exploring the layers of yoga, there is nothing like studying yoga in India, the root of Vedic sciences. Whether you want to explore yoga for yourself or for the purpose of helping others acquire the benefits of yoga, a yoga international certification in India certainly opens up many routes.
In this article, we would discuss the important steps that you can take to pursue yoga teaching as a profession. And let us tell you, it starts with a certified yoga teacher training in India.

1. Join an Accredited Yoga School

The road to a yoga certification in India begins with finding an accredited yoga school that offers yoga teacher training programs. Find a yoga school that is accredited by YCB, aka, the Yoga Certification Board. This is a government body that validates the courses completed by yoga practitioners for the purpose of teaching. This government body also ensures that the program complies with the quality and standards of a yoga course.
When you plan to do yoga teacher training in India, there are several yoga schools in India and destinations that offer accredited programs. If you aspire to work as a yoga teacher across the globe, then it is better to go with a program that is recognized by Yoga Alliance as well. Much like YSB, Yoga Alliance is an international body that recognizes yoga training programs and allows yogis to teach the art across the globe.

2. Decide on a Location for the Study

India is the land of yoga and there is no dearth of quality yoga schools offering certified yoga programs. As a beginner, you can take the first step to traditional yoga learning with the best 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, Kerala, Mysore, and Himachal Pradesh as these are the most popular yoga destinations on the globe owing to the roots of yoga being embedded in the history of these locations. You can further explore authentic yoga practices in places like Goa and Pondicherry.

3. Commence Your Training & Devote Yourself to it

When you step into a YCB-accredited yoga school or centre, you can choose from two routes. The first route is to complete a yoga teacher training program and become a yoga teacher. There is another route that you can take which is getting trained as a yoga therapist. You can discuss the offered programs at the school and take a call as per it if you have not decided on it already.
If you do a basic yoga certification, then you can work as a yoga volunteer or an assistant. If you have completed a 200 hour program then you are eligible to teach yoga. If you have completed an advanced 300 hour yoga TTC or a 400 hour yoga TTC then you can teach yoga at an advanced level, and even qualify to be a yoga wellness instructor. If you have completed 800 hour yoga teacher training in India, then you qualify for being a yoga teacher and evaluator. And if you graduate with a 1600 hour yoga certification from a recognized university then you are set to step into the world as a yoga master.

4. Get Certified & Register Your Certification

Whether you are studying a Yoga Alliance recognized program or a YCB certification, graduating from the program is one step. The next step that follows the graduation is of utmost importance. Upon graduation, register your certificate with Yoga Alliance by visiting their website and obtaining the unique identification number to teach yoga on a global scale.

For YCB certified programs, you would need to qualify an exam based on a syllabus provided by YCB. The exam is a combination of theory and practical. Theory exams have multiple choice, objective-type questions. During the practical exams, you would be expected to demonstrate yogic skills, teaching and evaluation skills.

5. Start Teaching

As you register your certificate, you are free to teach yoga at whichever level of certification you have chosen. You can start acquiring the finesse of a yoga teacher from here by working at different yoga schools in India or centers. You can join yoga ashrams. Schools and colleges, even fitness clubs and hospitals as a yoga instructor. Once you gain expertise and confidence as a teacher, you can start your own yoga studio as well.

6. Continue to Learn and Maintain Your Certification Validity

Whether you go with a beginner level course or graduate from an 1600 hour yoga teacher training program, the YCB certified programs are valid for five years beyond which you would need to renew your certification. The YCB board has a service which is Continuing Yoga Education (CYE) program which you can utilize to renew your certificate. The CYE program is usually of 3-5 days during which various assessments as well as brushing up of courses happen. Post the program, the authority decides whether to renew your certification or not.
This information is subject to change basis the change in regulations as imposed by the governing authorities. Hence, check the latest information before applying for a program.

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