Surprising How pH Of Your Water Can Impact Your Health & Home

Surprising How pH Of Your Water Can Impact Your Health & HomeSurprising How pH Of Your Water Can Impact Your Health & Home

Surprising How pH Of Your Water Can Impact Your Health & Home

The pH of pure water should be neutral. Unfortunately, not all water that enters your house or body is pH neutral. Water is very acidic in certain circumstances and more alkaline in others. What does this entail for the plumbing in your home? Let’s begin with a basic grasp of pH.

What is pH?

Science says pH is what determines the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. It is based on a scale, with 7 being regarded as neutral. Higher pH (basic) solutions have higher hydrogen ion concentrations, whereas lower pH (acidic) solutions have higher concentrations (acidic). For instance, lemon juice is acidic because it has a pH level between 2 and 3. Milk’s pH is approximately 6.7 to 6.9 because of the presence of lactic acid. We seldom consume foods or beverages that have a pH higher than 7.0, which is considered neutral.

pH in our everyday life

We are surrounded by chemistry in our daily life. Thus, it should come as no surprise that the pH is crucial to carrying out chemical processes around us.

Let’s take a look at some of the important phenomena that are affected by pH.

In food digestion: pH is highly significant in the digestion of food. The stomach secretes hydrochloric acid, which alters the pH from one to three, and this pH range is responsible for the activation of the pepsin enzyme, which digests the meal.

In soil: The pH of the soil is important for plant and crop growth. The optimal pH for plant growth is 6.3 to 7.3, which will be accountable for plant growth. If the pH of the soil is acidic, lime is added to neutralise the acidity, and gypsum is applied to offset the basicity.

In your plumbing: Water with an acidic (low) pH balance can damage your whole plumbing system by hastening the corrosion process. Metals are removed from your plumbing, causing pipe deterioration and pinhole leaks. The materials deposited on your fixtures by the water taken from the pipe cause blue/green discolouration over time.

Health impact of pH

The human body has a natural pH of 7.4, which it must maintain in order to operate properly. Everything we eat has a different pH level. As a result, our systems are continually attempting to restore the delicate balance that is briefly upset anytime we consume something overly acidic or alkaline. This is known as cellular homeostasis, which refers to the body’s capacity to maintain equilibrium in the face of external obstacles.

Why is Alkaline water the new trend?

Alkaline water has become a popular drinking water option in recent years. It is a popular belief that drinking water that is slightly alkaline in nature with a pH of 8 to 9 will enhance your health. They claim it can help you age slower, maintain a proper pH in your body, and prevent chronic diseases like cancer. Despite the numerous health claims made by alkaline water consumers and dealers, scientific proof that alkaline water is healthier than other types of drinking water is lacking.

What Effect Does pH Have on Plumbing and Water Quality?

The government does not regulate the pH of drinking water. It is instead categorised as a ‘secondary’ drinking water pollutant, which means it has aesthetic, cosmetic, and/or technical consequences (perhaps impairing water equipment and/or treatment), as opposed to other contaminants that cause health or environmental problems. However, the EPA recommends that pH values be between 6.5 and 8.5.

Water with an Acidic pH (6.5)

  • The most serious issues with acidic water are corrosion and leaching. Aside from the apparent risk of plumbing leaks, there is a much more serious concern of metal poisoning. While acidic water is not inherently detrimental to health, its interactions with plumbing systems and other materials can result in dangerously high amounts of many metals.
  • As corrosive water eats away at pipes, unabsorbed dissolved metals commonly settle at the bottoms of sinks and tubs, possibly colouring sensitive surfaces. These stains are blue-green in copper plumbing and red or rust-coloured in galvanised steel or cast iron plumbing.
  • When plastic plumbing is utilised for water distribution, the corrosive effects of acidic water are greatly reduced – PEX and CPVC are not known to be impacted by acidic water.

Water with a pH greater than 8.5

  • Water with a high pH isn’t as bad as water with a low pH, but it has its drawbacks. Among them is hard water, which contains a high concentration of minerals (mainly calcium and magnesium). Because the minerals in the water act as a buffer against acidification, hard water often has a high pH.
  • Hard water causes a variety of plumbing issues, ranging from inconvenient to costly. Most problems are caused by limescale (calcium carbonate). In rare circumstances, scale accumulates within pipes to the point that water flow is restricted.
  • In the worst-case scenario, scale accumulates at the bottom of tank water heaters or around electric water heater coils, causing them to overheat and potentially burn out.


  • The pH of your water may be easily tested at home using inexpensive and commonly available pH test strips. These aren’t as exact as lab-grade electrode testers, but they’ll give you a good idea of where your water is.
  • An acid neutralizer is usually the best way to handle acidic water. These devices use calcite (calcium carbonate) to raise the pH of water – acidic water is delivered into a calcite-filled tank and passed through the mineral, which dissolves and raises the pH.
  • A water softener is the best way to treat hard water. These employ an ion exchange technique to eliminate hardness minerals. Water is passed through a tank containing a negatively charged resin, which pulls the positively charged hardness ions out of the water, softening it. A ‘brine rinse’ of sodium or potassium chloride removes hardness ions from the resin.

Hydromo empowers you to keep your body and house acid-free.

Hydromo’s pH-maintaining offerings like the Water Treatment Plant which offers custom water filtration for your home and Digital Alkaline Ioniser ensure, you use water that is non-harming to your skin, hair, cooking needs, plumbing or other acid-prone appliances.

In conclusion, pH is your best friend

Maintaining safe pH levels across your home is essential for the safety of your home and your family. Forget damaged water pipelines or food pipes due to acidic water. Contact Hydromo now to build your safe future.

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