The 6 Benefits of Being a Nonfiction Book Author

The 6 Benefits of Being a Nonfiction Book Author

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Authors don’t have an easy job. Even when you’re not sitting in the right and inspirational setting, you must ensure the piece gets done on time. The payments pressure many writers received, commitments made or demands of the public.

Many novels and series of fiction and nonfiction books that people come across are a product of this pressure, and they do turn out to be ideal in many cases.

Even JK Rowling, the famous writer of the Harry Potter series, was forced by the audience to create too many parts. While many people don’t appreciate such long series, much of the young population enjoys them.

But when talking of nonfiction book authors, there aren’t many restrictions related to making a whole series or just a single book. Like most nonfiction authors, we recommend that you take the track where series are not a trend.

#1) Very Little Risk

It’s unnecessary to finish writing a nonfiction book before pitching it to publishers. Nonfiction books, unlike novels, are promoted and sold together with a book proposal before the material is finished. Only 25 sample pages are required to show an agency or acquisitions editor.

Even though the proposal and sample chapters require some time investment, the risk (in terms of time) is significantly lower than if you were trying to sell fiction. It is also not mandatory that increased demand for the book means that.

#2) More Educated Audience

The fact that nonfiction readers have a keen interest in not only the book but the entire topic and background subject. Moreover, the writer knows that what they’re writing about is a message being sent. Whatever shapes their opinion, the analysis they mention and the facts they state will be interpreted deeply by the audience.
Therefore, unlike fiction book, nonfiction writer builds their personality and, thus, career pathway in a different manner through the books they write.
This is a benefit because if some writer wishes to maintain a certain level of privacy and not appear too much in the media, the book represents their personality. It can also help the writer meet like-minded people.

#3) Less Market Pressure (No Competition)

Nonfiction authors don’t have to face the competition fiction writers do. For instance, when JK Rowling started to see the rise of her career, there were many other writers whose sales got affected.
A book author must also see the best time to publish a certain genre or a new sequel. Therefore, there is very little market pressure, and as a book author, it’s relaxing not having to worry about a submission.
Moreover, most nonfiction writers are all about opinions and usually have debates with other nonfiction authors. Such debates are not toxic to one’s career. Instead, they help build a reputation.

#4) Easy To Market Book

Marketing is crucial no matter what field you work in. As a book author, you must spread awareness about your book and make people buy it. Many people regret reading the book of a well-known book author, while many prefer the books of up-and-coming authors.

As a nonfiction book author, you can promote your book at places that focus on your subject. If your book is about health, you might be able to sell it at a clinic or fitness center. If you need the assistance of a ghostwriter, you can always be working with a ghostwriting services agency.

If you write fiction about nurses, consider penning a nonfiction book on how to get better nursing jobs or make it through the night shift. Present your book at the back of the room while speaking to nursing associations or hospitals.

Unless you are Stephen King or J.K. Rowling, speaking about a nonfiction subject will result in more book sales than performing a reading at a bookstore.

#5) Becoming A Brand Book Author

Building a brand is a concept across all fields and careers. It isn’t only important to build yourself in a field when you’re earning via a certain means. When working as a book author, building your brand depends on your work.

In the case of fiction writing, the genre you write and the type of content you create make you a certain type of brand. In nonfiction books, mostly the book’s author’s opinions and branding defines these things.

It might be challenging for novelists to develop their own brand when they write about various subjects and themes. A book author can establish a brand based on their fiction if they write books with a consistent theme or subject matter, such as knitting, motherhood and parenting, relationships, travel through standing stones, or psychic powers.

The branding process is simpler if a nonfiction book on the same subject or concept is added. Your brand emerges from the subject matter or theme and the benefits it provides readers.

#6) Non-Fiction Writers Are More Skilled

You can write across genres if you publish nonfiction but have always wanted to create a novel. Your nonfiction readers will purchase the books if you structure your novels, so they branch off your nonfiction subjects!

Additionally, you’ll get readers of fiction who are curious about your nonfiction books. So if you’re training to become a certain type of writer, go for something that makes you more versatile.

This also means that you should start early and take a variety of work instead of specializing in one thing. We recommend this tactic to book authors starting as new writers in the industry.

There isn’t much toxicity or politics in the book-writing career. However, since there’s some level of competition that one has to face. Also, becoming a versatile and all-rounder writer can make their way through much more quickly than other writers.


These are the key benefits of becoming a book author specializing in only nonfiction.

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